Utility Planners UK - What We do!

I am asked the nature of our work so often that it makes complete sense to write a quick blog about the subject. Essentially, UPUK are a utility consultant and works coordinator. We use our extensive knowledge and experience within the utilities industry to support our clients in a number of ways.

Utilities themselves are problematic: lots of cables and pipes under (and over) the ground – many of which we know about, many of which we don’t. Understanding the existing network is the first part of our job. Not only does this allow us to help you decide what might need disconnecting/diverting but it also helps us to work out where to best connect your supply to the network.

Dealing with multiple service providers can be time consuming and frustrating. Getting a connection requires an (often lengthy) application process and a certain degree of ‘email tennis’ with your chosen provider until your needs are fully understood. We know the right questions to ask right at the start of a project and will deal with these questions on your behalf. If the application process is stalling, we are there to give the provider a nudge and hold them to their agreed standards of service.

We are equally at home dealing with electric, gas, water or telecoms. We don’t have areas of speciality or weakness – we can do it all. When we have all the information we require from those carrying out the work, we will present this information in a clear, concise, jargon-free quote for you to consider.

We will deal with the service providers post acceptance. Our project coordinators will work with your team on the ground to ensure your project is ready to connect and our admin team will ensure your project is made a priority with whoever is installing the service. If multiple utilities are going in, we will make sure this happens in the most efficient way.

To summarise, these are the ways Utility Planners will support your project:

  • We will use network knowledge to advise you
  • We will handle the entire application process from start to finish
  • We will give you a clear, easy-to-understand quote
  • We will coordinate the work post-acceptance